Here are simple and cost effective ways to generate leads. This step by step guide will show you how to bring in network marketing leads using blog traffic
Free Blogs
The best format blog, you can view model of free blog is This is likely for anyone who builds a home-based business on a tight budget and is easy to use and set up. Even if it's free, it is still able to load traffic to your blog.
Attention to the free movement of Wordpress blog - for Wordpress administrators do not want that man, free movement of money with their subdomains, it may be best for this model. (If you want the best of Wordpress to see the "paid Blog section below.) is easy to use - simply follow the instructions in 3 stages:
1. Create a Blogger
2. Name your blog (in other words: Enter a URL of your blog, the
3. Select one of its generic models for your blog. There are charges for the selection and you will find in the costumes of corporate image of your company.
The model paid for your blog
Blog paid for model offers several advantages, for example:
• Your content will not be in possession of a third party. With Blogger, there is the risk that your blogs are deleted by administrators.
• You have total control over the content of the blog and the traffic you receive.
• There is more flexibility to adapt your page, with the theme, styles, fonts and the appearance and functionality.
Now you've decided to use the model, it is time visitors to your blog.
First, look left a path as quickly as possible. Looking for other MLM Blogger with Google and Technorati and offer their products either on your blog or on your request for an exchange blogroll. Remember that it tends to respond, if they know you offer something useful, you can return.
Moreover, for some of your posts and rewrite the article format. This will not only get transport and classification of directories and article Google, but it also saves time because you do write articles from scratch.
The next step is for your blog on Blog-directories. Most directories on your blog, you need to have a blog, before approving your website, make sure that at least six points of the reservation.
DAY messages with relevant keywords. This meta-tags are picked up by search engines and can easily be found if people are searching for a keyword.
Make sure to write (or relocate, if you can not write themselves) Make really good. You can natural, a quantity of traffic with viral marketing, when people speak of your blog - or, if you love some links.
Use the link baiting strategies for promoting your blog. It is, if you have a link to the other to you on their blog. Again, you need to give them an incentive to do so.
Press releases as short and send them to individuals Press Web site. Press release allows certain sites to obtain very quickly and could even see the links that appear on your Web sites, Google News!
If the above procedure, you're ready to earn money from your blog traffic - and this is also to work long after content have stopped writing.